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Terrakotta di murogeopietra è il mattone da rivestimento, che rivaluta tecniche e materiali tradizionali, per applicazioni e gusti attuali. Il mattone Terrakotta, nella sua versione ricostruita o in cotto, oggi vive una nuova stagione. Grazie alla sua matericità e al fascino del passato, lo vediamo protagonista nei progetti architettonici delle grandi città e nelle calde atmosfere di ville e cascine. Le sfumature naturali di rossi, rosati, marroni, e gialli creano soluzioni di grande impatto visivo.

I mattoni Terrakotta, sottoposti a processi d’invecchiamento ed alterazioni superficiali, presentano a seconda dei casi, residui di malta, patine e ossidazioni o angoli burattati, in modo da ottenere caratteristiche particolari e ricreare atmosfere e stili diversi. Una tecnica di stuccatura ben eseguita è importante quanto la scelta del mattone stesso: sia per tonalità di colore che per metodo di lavorazione, lo stucco completa in modo significativo la bellezza e la credibilità delle murature in mattone Terrakotta.


Chic showroom with bricks from Geopietra's TERRAKOTTA collection, blending rustic elegance and modern design with contemporary furnishings.
Staircase with a brick wall from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, decorated with photo frames. Corner with table and brick wall from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, decorated with the Breitling logo.
Interior of a showroom with walls covered with bricks from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra; one features a striking arched opening. Furnished with leather armchairs, bookshelves, and pendant lighting.
Interior wall of a showroom with bricks from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, adorned with photos and display cases. Modern shelves showcasing watches.
Interior of a gym equipped with training structures and brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra
Close-up of a gym ring with a background wall made of bricks from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra. Shop area inside a gym with brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, featuring a neon sign and clothing display.
Interior of a wine cellar with vaulted ceiling covered in bricks from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, furnished with shelves containing wine bottles and illuminated by a chandelier.
Modern living room with brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, furnished with a grey sectional sofa and a metal spiral staircase.
Contemporary living room with brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, furnished with a grey sectional sofa and a TV unit, featuring large windows overlooking a courtyard with arches.
Interior of a modern office with a brick wall from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, featuring the "GRAVITY" logo, and herringbone wood flooring.
Detail of a corner in a modern office with brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, herringbone wood flooring, and leather furnishings.
Interior of a Foot Locker clothing store with brick pillars from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, display shelves for footwear and apparel, and a checkout area.
Entrance to the Europapark theme park with an elegant classical-style building facade, surrounded by buildings with brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, and a red lighthouse in the background.
Courtyard of a building at the Europapark theme park with brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, featuring blue shuttered windows and an outdoor seating area with umbrellas.
Vintage-style industrial building at the Europapark theme park with brick walls from the TERRAKOTTA collection by Geopietra, featuring red doors and windows and decorative inscriptions.
Vintage-style brick building from Geopietra's TERRAKOTTA collection in Europapark theme park, featuring the Nils Johansen Fiskerindustri sign and colorful slides.
Zylinderhaus Museum, a contemporary brick building from Geopietra's TERRAKOTTA collection, featuring large windows and an underground parking area.
nterior of a venue with brick walls from Geopietra's TERRAKOTTA collection, decorated with vintage posters and atmospheric lighting.
Play room at Chalet Il Gufo featuring a pool table, brick walls from Geopietra's TERRAKOTTA collection, elegant furnishings with a comfortable upholstered sofa and light blue velvet bar corner stools, luminous "PLAY" decorations, and vintage black-and-white posters.
Play room at Chalet Il Gufo featuring a pool table, brick walls from Geopietra's TERRAKOTTA collection, elegant furnishings with a comfortable upholstered sofa and light blue velvet bar corner stools, luminous "PLAY" decorations, and vintage black-and-white posters.

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